Stats / Players Summary Stats / Allison Glascoe

Player's Machine Stats:
Machine Avg Score Median Score High Score Low Score Avg Points Plays First Played Last Played
Deadpool Premium 83,209,970 83,209,970 83,209,970 83,209,970 3.0 1 11/22/23 11/22/23
Elvira Premium 7,447,580 7,447,580 7,447,580 7,447,580 1.0 1 11/01/23 11/01/23
Godzilla Premium 21,372,217 17,739,570.0 50,009,730 1 2.25 4 11/01/23 12/13/23
Guardians of the Galaxy Pro 28,654,000 34,386,510 39,045,680 12,529,810 2.67 3 10/25/23 12/06/23
Iron Maiden Premium 21,295,440 21,295,440.0 33,626,420 8,964,460 4.0 2 10/25/23 11/08/23
James Bond Premium 22,384,890 22,384,890 22,384,890 22,384,890 3.0 1 10/25/23 10/25/23
Jurassic Park Pro 13,162,680 13,162,680 13,162,680 13,162,680 3.0 1 11/22/23 11/22/23
Metallica Pro 12,916,830 12,916,830.0 17,601,690 8,231,970 2.5 2 11/01/23 11/08/23
Munsters Pro 1 1 1 1 1.0 1 12/13/23 12/13/23
NBA Fast Break 62 62 62 62 3.0 1 11/15/23 11/15/23
Rush Premium 20,485,076 10,859,200.0 63,271,440 1 2.5 6 10/25/23 12/13/23
Star Wars Pro 142,641,717 48,632,880 379,292,270 1 1.33 3 11/29/23 12/13/23
Stranger Things Pro 51,341,130 51,341,130 51,341,130 51,341,130 3.0 1 12/06/23 12/06/23
TMNT Pro 8,591,500 8,591,500 8,591,500 8,591,500 4.0 1 11/08/23 11/08/23
The Mandalorian 8,223,236 4,438,880 15,886,290 4,344,540 1.67 3 11/08/23 11/29/23