Stats / Players Summary Stats / Josh Ziegler

Player's Machine Stats:
Machine Avg Score Median Score High Score Low Score Avg Points Plays First Played Last Played
Avengers Premium 20,980,480 19,177,540 34,847,470 8,916,430 2.33 3 02/28/24 04/10/24
Cactus Canyon 8,643,155 8,643,155.0 9,316,220 7,970,090 1.5 2 03/27/24 04/03/24
Elvira Premium 17,251,260 17,251,260 17,251,260 17,251,260 4.0 1 04/10/24 04/10/24
Foo Fighters Premium 23,239,480 23,239,480 23,239,480 23,239,480 2.0 1 02/28/24 02/28/24
Ghostbusters Pro 44,348,923 49,376,070 57,994,300 25,676,400 3.67 3 03/06/24 03/27/24
Godzilla Premium 83,122,770 83,122,770 83,122,770 83,122,770 4.0 1 04/03/24 04/03/24
Guardians of the Galaxy Pro 14,146,880 14,146,880 14,146,880 14,146,880 2.0 1 03/13/24 03/13/24
Guns N Roses JJP 213,850 213,850.0 319,277 108,423 2.5 2 02/21/24 03/06/24
Iron Maiden Premium 30,841,090 30,774,026.0 45,895,160 15,921,150 2.5 4 02/21/24 04/10/24
James Bond Premium 25,882,415 25,882,415.0 27,286,670 24,478,160 3.0 2 02/21/24 03/13/24
Jaws 54,728,530 54,728,530 54,728,530 54,728,530 3.0 1 03/13/24 03/13/24
Metallica Pro 9,642,335 9,642,335.0 12,696,940 6,587,730 2.0 2 03/06/24 03/20/24
Munsters Pro 1,828,430 1,828,430 1,828,430 1,828,430 1.0 1 03/20/24 03/20/24
NBA Fast Break 19,148,590 19,148,590 19,148,590 19,148,590 2.0 1 04/10/24 04/10/24
Star Wars Pro 123,615,130 119,454,500 144,328,500 107,062,390 2.33 3 02/28/24 04/03/24
Stranger Things Pro 59,589,860 50,115,970 87,710,690 40,942,920 2.67 3 02/21/24 04/03/24
TMNT Pro 4,507,620 4,507,620 4,507,620 4,507,620 1.0 1 03/13/24 03/13/24