Stats / Players Summary Stats / Nicky Pence

Player's Machine Stats:
Machine Avg Score Median Score High Score Low Score Avg Points Plays First Played Last Played
Cactus Canyon 0 0 0 0 1.0 1 12/06/23 12/06/23
Deadpool Premium 273,606,433 22,542,720 781,353,090 16,923,490 2.67 3 11/01/23 11/22/23
Godzilla Premium 237,875,830 237,875,830.0 434,810,550 40,941,110 3.5 2 11/22/23 11/29/23
Guardians of the Galaxy Pro 7,033,330 7,033,330 7,033,330 7,033,330 1.0 1 11/01/23 11/01/23
Guns N Roses JJP 419,508 419,508 419,508 419,508 2.0 1 10/25/23 10/25/23
Iron Maiden Premium 98,910,086 125,991,250 163,528,560 7,210,450 3.0 3 11/01/23 11/15/23
James Bond Premium 0 0 0 0 1.0 1 12/06/23 12/06/23
Jurassic Park Pro 16,415,760 16,415,760 16,415,760 16,415,760 4.0 1 11/22/23 11/22/23
Metallica Pro 10,366,456 6,398,180 24,701,190 0 3.0 3 10/25/23 11/15/23
Munsters Pro 2,347,700 2,347,700 2,347,700 2,347,700 2.0 1 11/01/23 11/01/23
Rush Premium 68,267,055 76,962,855.0 119,142,510 0 3.25 4 10/25/23 11/29/23
Star Wars Pro 294,007,803 213,026,200 668,997,210 0 3.0 3 10/25/23 12/06/23
Stranger Things Pro 0 0 0 0 1.0 1 12/06/23 12/06/23
TMNT Pro 397,890 397,890 397,890 397,890 1.0 1 11/08/23 11/08/23
The Mandalorian 117,787,425 117,787,425.0 234,807,510 767,340 2.5 2 11/08/23 11/29/23