Stats / Players Summary Stats / Skeletor Williams

Player's Machine Stats:
Machine Avg Score Median Score High Score Low Score Avg Points Plays First Played Last Played
Avengers Premium 2,070,055 2,070,055.0 3,682,560 457,550 2.0 2 02/28/24 03/20/24
Black Knight Limited Edition 46,460,540 46,460,540 46,460,540 46,460,540 4.0 1 04/03/24 04/03/24
Cactus Canyon 3,669,080 5,059,970 5,947,270 0 2.33 3 03/13/24 04/10/24
Deadpool Premium 26,235,390 26,235,390.0 48,377,020 4,093,760 2.5 2 02/21/24 03/20/24
Foo Fighters Premium 22,882,555 22,882,555.0 32,536,900 13,228,210 2.5 2 02/21/24 02/28/24
Ghostbusters Pro 5,745,880 5,745,880 5,745,880 5,745,880 2.0 1 03/27/24 03/27/24
Godzilla Premium 57,492,190 57,492,190.0 62,177,480 52,806,900 3.0 2 03/27/24 04/10/24
Guardians of the Galaxy Pro 25,351,880 25,351,880 25,351,880 25,351,880 3.0 1 02/21/24 02/21/24
Guns N Roses JJP 192,963 192,963 192,963 192,963 3.0 1 04/10/24 04/10/24
Iron Maiden Premium 9,134,060 9,134,060.0 9,833,590 8,434,530 2.0 2 02/28/24 04/03/24
Jaws 0 0 0 0 1.0 1 03/13/24 03/13/24
Legends of Valhalla 6,296,970 6,296,970 6,296,970 6,296,970 4.0 1 04/10/24 04/10/24
Metallica Pro 2,645,565 2,645,565.0 5,291,130 0 2.0 2 03/13/24 03/27/24
Star Trek Pro 5,592,770 7,403,930 9,374,380 0 2.33 3 03/13/24 04/03/24
Star Wars Pro 48,102,050 48,102,050 48,102,050 48,102,050 1.0 1 02/28/24 02/28/24
Stranger Things Pro 38,194,980 38,194,980 38,194,980 38,194,980 4.0 1 02/21/24 02/21/24
The Mandalorian 64,810,410 64,810,410 64,810,410 64,810,410 4.0 1 03/27/24 03/27/24