Stats / Machine Summary Stats

(All data - not scoped to current season)
Machine High Score Avgerage Score Median Score Low Score # of Scores Match Games 🥇
Aliens 71,915,830 9,422,023 4,538,600 0 20 5 Brad C
Avengers Premium 98,072,510 18,310,267 9,264,980 58 15 William B
Beatles Premium 3,762,470 1,507,758 1,396,380 47 12 Tom B
Black Knight Limited Edition 313,030,650 32,921,584 18,415,560 131 34 Tom B
Cactus Canyon 37,747,170 13,474,241 12,024,960 0 47 12 TJ K
Deadpool Premium 781,353,090 62,036,490 31,115,330 54 14 Nicky P
Elvira Premium 84,584,870 18,262,248 9,247,960 0 57 15 Vernon F
Foo Fighters Premium 711,549,940 57,840,214 23,239,480 0 57 15 Tom B
Game of Thrones 401,495,670 186,153,427 146,163,815 50,790,410 4 1 Tom B
Ghostbusters Pro 645,850,650 43,927,986 18,735,365 90 23 Cheryl K
Godzilla Premium 434,810,550 72,368,863 41,583,640 0 182 47 Nicky P
Guardians of the Galaxy Pro 157,385,010 34,819,167 21,472,320 63 16 Aaron K
Guns N Roses JJP 64,898,840 3,011,712 283,812 38 10 William B
Houdini Premium 63,154 37,817 42,371 3,374 4 1 Sylvia B
Iron Maiden Premium 229,333,900 44,861,082 20,962,510 0 110 29 Mike K
James Bond Premium 539,203,970 64,350,904 27,704,980 0 81 21 Tom B
Jaws 353,296,130 65,396,212 54,712,610 0 101 26 Tom B
John Wick 26,333,300 6,501,643 2,312,435 1 8 2 Jason W
Jurassic Park Pro 548,908,850 34,877,523 24,844,030 0 91 24 Tom B
Legends of Valhalla 6,296,970 2,730,448 2,513,880 0 11 3 Skeletor W
Metallica Pro 146,115,260 16,130,493 11,133,260 0 99 25 Ian K
Munsters Pro 236,815,170 14,376,735 3,347,760 33 9 Ian K
NBA Fast Break 70,819,180 2,701,644 61 0 42 11 Aaron K
Pirates of The Caribbean 73,385,800 13,875,687 8,720,060 2,733,260 11 3 Jason W
Rush Premium 184,797,230 28,330,185 17,770,890 0 113 29 Steven M
Star Trek Pro 59,950,890 17,981,972 9,283,060 0 33 9 Ian K
Star Wars Pro 1,623,136,800 213,611,988 162,009,800 145 37 Tom B
Stranger Things Pro 160,944,200 49,069,997 46,435,460 127 33 Michael P
TMNT Pro 59,704,200 7,287,872 4,584,240 79 20 TJ K
The Mandalorian 234,807,510 38,091,355 22,467,100 66 17 Nicky P
The Walking Dead 107,133,800 28,901,593 22,984,980 1 48 12 Tom B
Venom Premium 136,601,920 38,336,800 31,350,595 3,708,930 12 3 Tom B