Stats / Players Summary Stats / Amy Juhascik

Player's Machine Stats:
Machine Avg Score Median Score High Score Low Score Avg Points Plays First Played Last Played
Aliens 28,161,200 28,161,200 28,161,200 28,161,200 3.0 1 08/13/24 08/13/24
Black Knight Limited Edition 34,831,283 46,013,570 52,682,540 5,797,740 2.33 3 08/27/24 09/17/24
Deadpool Premium 140,286,655 140,286,655.0 263,480,910 17,092,400 2.5 2 08/20/24 08/27/24
Game of Thrones 188,894,330 188,894,330 188,894,330 188,894,330 3.0 1 09/03/24 09/03/24
Godzilla Premium 49,142,722 52,116,945.0 53,361,360 38,975,640 3.0 4 08/13/24 09/03/24
Iron Maiden Premium 8,743,030 8,743,030 8,743,030 8,743,030 2.0 1 08/13/24 08/13/24
James Bond Premium 22,407,055 22,407,055.0 27,704,980 17,109,130 1.5 2 09/03/24 09/17/24
Jurassic Park Pro 34,557,815 34,557,815.0 38,745,140 30,370,490 2.5 2 09/10/24 09/17/24
NBA Fast Break 47 47 47 47 1.0 1 09/17/24 09/17/24
Pirates of The Caribbean 11,354,150 11,354,150 11,354,150 11,354,150 3.0 1 09/10/24 09/10/24
Star Wars Pro 190,474,406 156,209,540 356,408,160 58,805,520 2.33 3 08/13/24 09/10/24
The Walking Dead 25,866,550 25,866,550 25,866,550 25,866,550 3.0 1 08/27/24 08/27/24